
Every other Saturday to wheelchair basketball 10am til 12 noon

Mark Hall Sports Centre £1.50 per session

All Ability Athletics
Sports Hall & Boccia Challenge 2012
For all people with disabilities from 8 to 99 years
 Events will include: Turbo Javelin / Vertical Jump / Races / Long Jump /
Balance beam / Speed bounce / Chest Push and Boccia
Entry: £4 per athlete (under 18 yr olds) and £6 per athlete (18 +)
Closing Date: 24th January2012
Team and Individual Competitions

To take part please complete and return the entry form
Volunteers would be warmly appreciated on the day to assist with a variety of tasks.

For more information contact : Helen
Offord, Coordinator for AAS&L 07986603313 Email :[email protected]

‘Our project/group has been funded
by the Harlow Recreation Trust which is managed by Essex Community Foundation’

With Funding Support from the Essex Legacy 2012 Games